A Pregnant Newborn Photographer's Journey- Part 1- Announcement

May 09, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


This blog series is about the journey that I have had as a pregnant photographer with two of my favorite people (and fellow photographers) helping me to document every step of the way. I hope you enjoy the story and the photography!

When I discovered I was pregnant this past fall, I felt quite a wide range of emotions. I was excited about having a new baby, but I was also a bit nervous. With 3 older children and being over 35, I knew that challenges were ahead. I was also in the midst of preparing to attend my very first work trip to a newborn photography conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I was planning this work trip with two women that I knew who are also local photographers, Blaire and Jamie. I wasn't particularly close with either one of them, but we seemed to get along pretty well. Because we were going to be traveling together, I wanted to make sure that they knew that I was pregnant. I didn't want an emergency to come up and them to NOT know, so I told them before I told most of the people in my life. I was 9 weeks pregnant and went to The Baby Summit with two women who (starting with that trip) would become two of my closest friends.

The Baby Summit

So proud to be at The Baby Summit with some of the best photographers in the world!!


The Baby Summit With my girls Jamie (left) and Blaire (right) posing at the photobooth.

In addition to the three of us attending The Baby Summit together, we are also a part of a community called The Rising Tide Society that believes in community over competition. The photography community can be pretty unforgiving when it comes to trying to befriend your peers, but it doesn't have to be that way. We are all able to offer our own style and twist on things so that we can all find the clients that are great fits for us. One of the benefits of having two of your favorite local photographers also become two of your best friends is that you KNOW that you have plenty of photographs coming your way when you have a big life event, like pregnancy, happen.

SO, I knew that I wanted to do something fun to announce our last and final baby. As a photographer, I have seen an endless amount of pregnancy announcements. There are some that are SUPER creative and others that are very simple. We wanted to include our older children and didn't want to do anything too crazy. Blaire (of Second Ave Photography) did a great job giving us a simple, yet perfect pregnancy announcement session. This was a super fast session that got everything we wanted. Kudos to Blaire for being an amazing (and efficient) photographer! Here's one of my personal favorites, but you can also check out the official slideshow announcement that I made below:

www.secondavephotography.com | blaire elizabeth ring © 2016 secwww.secondavephotography.com | blaire elizabeth ring © 2016 secPregnancy Announcement

Pregnancy Announcement

After making that announcement on social media, I knew that we were going to be sending out holiday cards. I send holiday cards to my clients every year, so I try to also send them to our friends and family. As photographers, we will sometimes trade photography sessions with each other, especially around the fall. I took family portraits for Jamie and she took some for us! (Photo credit goes to Jamie Romaezi Photography.) Here are a few of my favorites from that session.

Family Session Family Session Family Session Family Session Family Session

All of the images captured by Blaire and Jamie are gorgeous, but I'm only showing you a few from each session. Throughout this blog series, I'll talk a little bit about what it's like to have three different photographers all collaborating about the same sessions, but with different styles and approaches. I hope that you'll come back and enjoy the rest of the series!


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